This is the Day



This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.



This is the day.


A new day

for new joy.

The day to walk in the good works prepared in advance for us.

This is the day the Lord has made

Reason enough to be glad.



Here’s the facts:

God made this day.

Here’s the assignment:

Put your joyful game face on, and be glad.


When the coffee maker gives up its ghost before the first cup:

Rejoice! Life is more than coffee.


When the light turns red, and the to-do list is so stinkin’ long:

Be glad! Now is the time to breathe and remember what’s important.


When the bill comes in the mail

or the car quits

… or the test is one big “Fail!”

When LIfe  seems overwhelming and not well planned

crammed with schedules

and nothing seems well-manned…

Peace is found in re- joying:

– putting the day back in the hands of the one who made it.

Truth’s freedom is found in pouring his oil of gladness on our soiled hearts

–  and choosing to laugh

Counting it all joy

–  and make mud pies from our mess


Today is the day to soar beyond the heavenlies where our true home lies.


This is the day.

And I will be glad in it.



Jesus, let this day go in the record books as a day I live solely for you.



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